
How Dovideq's data and image repository helps endoscope manufacturers in post-market clinical analysis.

March 14, 2023
Endoscopes are vital medical devices that enable doctors to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions by providing a...

How endoscopemanager can assist OEMs and Endoscope Repair Companies

January 24, 2023
Endoscopes are vital medical devices that enable doctors to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions by providing a...

External repair companies and lost warranty

January 10, 2023
A leading manufacturer of medical instruments and endoscopes, has recently announced again that it does not authorize...

Are you checking on or paying for planned obsolesence?

December 19, 2022
Planned obsolescence is the practice of designing products with a limited lifespan in order to encourage consumers to...

The Top 10 Risks of Rigid Endoscopes

December 2, 2022
You've probably seen many Top 10 lists. We have taken our own spin on the ever-popular "Top-10" list as it relates to...